The Perfect Cup of Tea

The other day I was served up this video (see below) while perusing YouTube. I was naturally intrigued as to how I’ve been making tea wrong my entire life. To be fair, this video talks about classic British tea service versus my passion-Chinese tea.

The one specific part of this video I do agree with is how important it is to use a proper cup. Some of the same variables that serve to augment the flavor of an amazing tea can also detract significantly. Whenever I drink tea, I use a cup or mug that has a clean ceramic glaze on the inside. Ceramic is easy to clean and it doesn’t hang onto lingering flavors, oils, or scents. I feel like even glass can work against the flavor of tea. Perhaps it’s just psychological, but it does feel to me like glass sucks up the flavor and makes it vanish into some other dimension.

The other general argument I think they are implying is that it’s okay to try new things. So many of us, myself included, get stuck in a certain way of doing things. While that does provide a certain amount of comfort, how much does it make us miss?

I often try to convince my kids to try new things. I tell them the worst that can happen is that you decided you don’t like it. I try to live my life in the same way.

Lastly, it is weird that they are wearing safety glasses while making tea? I’ve never felt the need to to that. Maybe I should try.

Happy drinking.


The Perfect Cup (Part 2)


Is it Tea? Will it Blend?