
The Perfect Cup (Part 2)
Matt Janson Matt Janson

The Perfect Cup (Part 2)

A few years ago I’d be able to tell you my favorite tea down to the region, farm, and even season. I realize now that my thinking was far too obtuse.

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The Perfect Cup of Tea
Matt Janson Matt Janson

The Perfect Cup of Tea

Perhaps it’s just psychological, but it does feel to me like glass sucks up the flavor and makes it vanish into some other dimension.

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Is it Tea? Will it Blend?
Matt Janson Matt Janson

Is it Tea? Will it Blend?

The last thing I want is to feel like I’m mansplaining the definition of tea to the masses. I get embarrassed for myself when I begin a sentence with, “Well actually…”

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Cultural Appropriation?
Matt Janson Matt Janson

Cultural Appropriation?

As I’m writing this, I can’t help but think about historical implications. Today, with a couple mouse clicks, I can order tea from China or anywhere else. It was not always that easy.

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A Spiritual Connection
Matt Janson Matt Janson

A Spiritual Connection

Whether our lives were created or seeded or accidental, whatever was able to put us here must be on a totally different level of cosmic understanding and appreciation than myself.

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Is tea medicinal?
Matt Janson Matt Janson

Is tea medicinal?

How on Earth can you derive so many different flavors from a nondescript plant with leaves that don’t look or taste like much until after the processing is completed?

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Why on Earth am I doing this?
Matt Janson Matt Janson

Why on Earth am I doing this?

Each day we met amazing people who created even more amazing teas. I quickly fell in love with the people and this incredible drink that I had ignored all my life.

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